
“Performance Capital: Retailing Myth, Identity, and the Practices of Governance,” TDR: The Drama Review, Volume 67, Issue 4 (Winter 2023) pp. 181 - 191

“Law’s Tacit Dimension: Audiovisual Proof of Incitement in the Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump,” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Special Issue ("Global Semiotics, Intercultural Legal Space and the Interplay between ‘Facticity’ and ‘Normativity’") (2022)

 “Anti-speech Acts and the First Amendmentw,” Harvard Law and Policy Review vol. 16:2 (2022) of

“Character is a Sacred Bond: Reflections on Sovereignty, Grace, & Resistance,” Special issue on ‘Institutions, Embodiment and Affect,’ ANGELAKI: Journal of the theoretical humanities (2019)

“Visual Literacy for the Legal Profession,” Journal of Legal Education (symposium issue on visual imagery and pop culture in legal education) (2018)

“Law and the Poetic Imagination,” New York Law School Law Review (2016-2017);

“Vico’s Providence Today,” Teoria critica della regolazione sociale (prominent Italian journal of legal theory and semiotics) (2017); 

“Too Late for Thinking: The Curious Quest for Emancipatory Potential in Meaningless Affect and Some Jurisprudential Implications,” Law, Culture & the Humanities, vol. 15, Issue 1 (online, 2015) (in print, February 2019); (in Italian translation, Pierangelo Sequeri & Paolo Heritier, Antropologia ed Estica giurdica (eds), “Troppo tardi per pensari ,” (G. Giappichelli Editore, Turin 2017);

“Law in the Flesh: Tracing Legitimation’s Origin to ‘The Act of Killing,’” No Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Law and Justice No. 11 (June 2014);

“Visual Literacy for Lawyers,” American Psychology-Law Society (April 2014); “Performer la Loi. Présences et simulacres, sur scène et au tribunal.” [“Law as Performance: Presence and Simulation Inside the Theater/Courtroom”] Revue Communications, Paris, No. 92 (2013);

“Visual Jurisprudence,” New York Law School Law Review Symposium Issue on “Visualizing Law in the Digital Age,” vol. 57/1 (Fall 2012);

“Sublime Jurisprudence: On the Ethical Education of the Legal Imagination in Our Time,” [Vico Symposium], Chicago-Kent Law Review 83:3 (2008);

“Law, metaphysics, and the new iconoclasm,” in Law Text Culture volume 11, pp. 70 – 105 (Andrew T. Kenyon and Peter D. Rush ed., 2007);

“Thinking Beyond the Shown,” (co-authored with Neal Feigenson) Law Probability Risk, Volume 6, Number 1-4 (March/December 2007) 295-310 (Oxford University Press);

“What is Visual Knowledge, and What is it Good for? Potential Ethnographic Lessons from the Field of Legal Practice,” Visual Anthropology, vol. 20: 1–36, (2007);

“A Manifesto for Visual Legal Realism” Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, volume 40, issue 3 (2007); 

Foreword to Shulamit Almog, How Digital Technologies are Changing the Practice of Law (Edwin Mellen Press, 2007);

"Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law," (co-authored with Neal Feigenson and Christina Spiesel), lead article in the Boston University Journal of Law, Technology, and Science, (2006);

“Law’s Beatitude: A Post-Nietzschean Account of Legitimation,” Cardozo Law Review (2003); 

“Celebrity Lawyers and the Cult of Personality,” New York Law School Law Review New York Law School Law Review (2003);

"Nomos and Cinema," UCLA Law Review (2001);

"The Jurisprudence of Appearances," New York Law School Law Review (1999) in annual symposium issue ["Law/Culture/Media: Legal Meaning in the Age of Images," (Richard K. Sherwin, editor and conference organizer)]; 

“Framed” in Law Unreeled: Movies as Legal Texts, (University of Illinois Press 1996);              

(Symposium Issue) "Foreword: Picturing Justice - Images of Law and Lawyers in the Visual Media," University of San Francisco Law Review (1996);

"Cape Fear: Law's Inversion and Cathartic Justice," University of San Francisco Law Review (1996);

“Law and the Myth of the Self in Mass Media Representations,” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law Vol. VIII no. 24 (1995);

"Law Frames: Historical Truth and Narrative Necessity in a Criminal Case," Stanford Law Review (1994);

"The Narrative Construction of Legal Reality," 18 Vermont Law Review 681 (1994), [re-published in the Fall 2009 issue of the Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors (JALWD)];

"Foreword: Lawyering Theory Symposium," New York Law School Law Review (1992): 

"What We Talk About When We Talk About Law," (lead article) New York Law School Law Review (1992);

"A Response to Aaron Wildavsky's Review of Jerome S. Bruner's Acts of Meaning," The Responsive Community, January 1992;

"Rhetorical Pluralism and the Discourse Ideal:  Countering Division of Employment v. Smith--A Parable of Pagans, Politics and Majority Rule," Northwestern Law Review (1991);

"Law, Violence and Illiberal Belief," (lead article) Georgetown Law Journal (1990);

“A Matter of Voice and Plot: Belief and Suspicion in Legal Storytelling,” (lead article) Michigan Law Review (1988);

"Dialects and Dominance: A Study of Rhetorical Fields in the Law of Confessions, "University of Pennsylvania Law Review (1988);

"Opening Hart's Concept of Law," (lead article)Valparaiso University Law Review (1986).




Opinion Essays