“12 Seconds Later,” AA School of Architecture (London, Feb 1, 2018)
“Law as Religion, Religion as Law,” [concluding session] (Hebrew University, June 7, 2017)
“Five Images: Visualizing the Sacred Source of Law & Authority” (Hebrew University, [June 5, 2017])
Interview on the firing of FBI Director James Comey, TELERAMA (June 2017)
“The future of the rule of law in America: kleptocracy, culture war, and resistance,” Sirius Radio interview "The Dean Obeidallah Show" (February 2017);
Chief commentator in “Captivated: The Trials of Pamela Smart” (HBO documentary, dir. Jeremiah Zagar 2014)
On ‘When Law Goes Pop [ Nov. 22, 2000], ‘Television and the judicial system [April 30, 2003], ‘Shared interests in society [March 1, 2013]
Today Show [Sept, 14, 2011],(on televising the execution of Timothy McVeigh)